Our World Wide Projects
Gash Barka Region | Eritrea
— Micro Credit Project Design
Micro Credit Project Design for the Returning Refugees in Gash Barka Region for the GTZ Integrated Food Security Project (IFSP), January 1997.
— Socio Economic Study and Credit Program Design
Socio Economic Study and Credit Program Design for the Ali Ghidir Agricultural Development Project (AADP). Carried for ERREC/ The Office of Demobilized Fighters (MITIAS)/ ACORD, Eritrea, August 1996
— Contextual Assessment, Market Research and Development of Credit Program
Contextual Assessment, Market Research and Development of Credit Program for the Support of Demobilized Women Fighters. Carried for the Office of Demobilized fighters (MITIAS)/OXFAM Belgium, Eritrea, June 1996.
Northern Red Sea Region | Eritrea
— Contextual Assessment and Rural Credit Design for the whole Sahel Region
Contextual Assessment and Rural Credit Design for the whole Sahel Region (Afabet, Garora, Nakfa, Maihemat, and Himbol) of the Northern Red Sea Region. Carried for the Local Government of the Northern Red Sea Region, Eritrea, April 1996.
Northern Red Sea Region | Eritrea
— Socio Economic Study and Mitigation Plan for the Mobilization and Resettlement of Dongollo Alto Families
Socio Economic Study and Mitigation Plan for the Mobilization and Resettlement of Dongollo Alto Families. Carried for the Local Government of the Northern Red Sea Region, Eritrea, December 1995.
Ghinda Town | Eritrea
— Socio Economic Part of the Ghinda Town Masterplan.
Socio Economic Part of the Ghinda Town Masterplan. Carried for Badya International Consultancy Office, Eritrea, November 1995.
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan
— Design and Implementation of the Cross-Border Operation
Design and Implementation of the Cross-Border Operation from Eritrea and Ethiopia to Eastern Sudan and Blue Nile. 1997 – 2000
— Inputs to Sudanese Blogs
Various inputs to the Blogs: Making Sense of Darfur, Making Sense of Sudan, and African Arguments.
Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Maldives
—Climate Change Displacement Study
Climate Change Displacement: Study conducted for the USAID – Asia Bureau, covering Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Maldives. 2009-2010.